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Workforce & Education
Growing Our Region's Workforce Pipeline

A region thrives when its people have the workforce skills that match the needs of its employers.

The Chamber's workforce and education team serves as a regional convener, creating business and education partnerships through collaborative and equitable initiatives. Employer-led needs assessments guide our efforts to cultivate relationships, educate on best practices and develop our current and future employees. Our country is currently facing a talent crisis and employers need to know how they are going to both recruit and retain their workforce. The Chamber serves as a thought leader in bringing our members the latest trends, resources and data to inform your talent decisions.

Talent Demand Study
Lowcountry Careers Collaborative

The Charleston Chamber Foundation received an $8.4 million grant through the Good Jobs Challenge funded by President Biden’s American Rescue Plan to form the Lowcountry Careers Collaborative. Focusing initially on healthcare, the collaborative is an equity-centered, employer-led approach that builds upon existing regional training systems to offer pathways to higher level careers. It is designed to bridge historic gaps in employment representation by training a diverse coalition of healthcare workers.

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The Workforce & Education team empowers our members, school systems and policy leaders with the latest resources, data and reports to inform better decision making by:

  • Broadening understanding of regional trends affecting workforce, talent attraction and development through on-going data and resource reporting
  • Deepening employers understanding of the regions wage and salary evolutions
Talent Demand Study

The 2022 Talent Demand Study provides a foundational analysis for industry, small business, education and community partners to understand the current and forecasted data on talent and workforce for the region as well as provide high-level insight into potential opportunities for consideration.

Talent Demand Study

We convene employers, training and service providers, and regional and state agencies to build a regional Talent Pipeline Management strategy to address our region's most critical workforce needs by:

  • Leveraging the regional Career and Technology Education and technical education programs to connect graduates with employers’ greatest needs
  • Connecting members, educators and policy leaders to align curriculum and resources to the region’s major economic drivers

By bridging the greatest needs of employers with regional resources, we address workforce demands through:

  • Creating economic mobility by connecting underserved and opportunity populations with the region’s employment development opportunities
  • Serving as a liaison between employers and regional and state workforce development agencies to connect workforce needs quickly and efficiently to the most relevant resource

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Workforce & Education Team

Celeste Granger
Senior Vice President of Programs & Initiatives
Contact Celeste
Chelsea Kotsiras
Director of Grant Writing and Administration
Email Chelsea
Olivia Vernon
Manager of Workforce & Education