Government Relations
Leadership Center
Economic Opportunity
Workforce & Education
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Team 250
Thank you for helping us advance our community.

In 1773, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce was formed to drive commerce. While we as a Chamber, and as a community, have evolved significantly over the last 250 years, we have deep roots as the longest continually operating chamber of commerce in the nation.

Across two and a half centuries, there have been significant advancements and improvements and at the core of our work are dedicated volunteer leaders and their supporting businesses and organizations. Our history is filled with many who have been passionate about advancing the Charleston region. Today, we continue to honor and learn from our last 250 years, while proactively focusing on initiating, advocating and empowering our region to ready itself for the next 50 years of prosperity.

Be a Part of Team 250

Team 250 Benefits
Commemorative recognition on Angel Oak Art Installation in Chamber lobby
Exclusive invitation to Angel Oak Unveiling Celebration
Recognition at Member-Bration: 250th Celebration
Honorary Team 250 lapel pin
Recognition in an edition of Chamber Report
Acknowledgement on Chamber website
Make Your Impact Last

To celebrate 250 years of impact, while casting our shared future vision, we invite you to join us in celebrating our Chamber’s legacy. For $1,773 you can be a part of Team 250 and receive name recognition on the Angel Oak Art Installation, which will be showcased at the Chamber’s headquarters in Park Circle.

Your Team250 financial commitment will be received by the Charleston Chamber Foundation and is a tax deductible, charitable contribution. Each dollar will be designated to elevate the Accelerate Greater Charleston government relations, leadership and talent development platforms that our Chamber launched, in 2011, as strategies for maximizing our region’s competitiveness and potential. Thank you for supporting our Chamber’s transformational work in these three areas.

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Legacy Piece of Artwork

In collaboration with LS3P, we have developed an exhibit to honor the Chamber’s historical impact and all the people that have been a part of it. The design, centered around the region’s longest living live oak tree – the Angel Oak, pays homage to the deep-rooted history of the Chamber and the significant role it has played in the Lowcountry’s growth. The design also speaks to the constant evolution of the community and the Chamber’s ongoing, daily mission to enhance a prosperous business environment.

The donor wall design balances the traditional tree form with abstracted branches stretching throughout the lobby with modern wood slats; the curved edges create a wave of texture as visitors look across them. Rather than leaves, the design features acrylic fins integrated within the wood slats to represent Spanish moss. These fins vary in length and tone to create a dynamic gradient of color across the branches. Each individual acrylic fin will feature a donor name. This element represents the diversity of the Chamber membership and illustrates how integral members are to the Chamber’s history and progress.

Be a Part of Team 250

Thank you for your ongoing support of our Chamber’s mission of driving solutions for the Charleston region!

Team250 Benefits Include:

-Commemorative recognition on Angel Oak Art Installation in Chamber lobby

-Exclusive invitation to Angel Oak Unveiling Celebration

-Honorary Team 250 lapel pin

-Recognition in an edition of Chamber Report

- Acknowledgement on Chamber website

Ready to be a part of this legacy piece?

Join Team 250

Thank you to our Team 250 Partners

Bank of America


BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina

BuenaVista Information Systems LLC

Cantey Tech Consulting
Willis Cantey - Chamber Board Chair 2020

Catch Talent

Charles T. Cole Jr.
Chamber Board Chair 1988

Charleston Branch Pilots Association
Established 1890

Charleston County Council &
Charleston County Economic Development

Charleston's Inaugural Minority Business
Accelerator 2022 Mentors

Charleston's Inaugural Minority Business
Accelerator Cohort

Charleston Trident Association of Realtors

Chernoff Newman

Choate Construction Company

City of North Charleston

Charleston Southern University
Dondi & Vickey Costin

Dunhill Staffing


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver Burwell, III and Family
Elizabeth, Ollie, Jack, Wooten & Durrette

First Citizens

Floyd Lee Locums


Go To Team
25th Anniversary of Business
Patrick Bryant - Chamber Board Chair 2017

Grace Outdoor Advertising

Home Telecom

In Loving Memory of Frank E. Lucas
Chamber Board Chair 1991


The InterTech Group
Anita Zucker - Chamber Board Chair 1998
In Loving Memory of Jerry Zucker

J.H.W. Enterprises Property Management, Inc.

JPMorgan Chase & Co

KION North America

Laura Varn
Chamber Board Chair 2015
Parkland USA

Marc Marchant - Chamber Board Chair 2021

In Memory of Capt. Samuel Guilds & Samuel Guilds Hollowell
Marine Contracting & Towing

Member Benefit

Morris Financial Concepts
Kyra Morris - Chamber Board Chair 2022

Nelson Mullins

Ogletree Deakins

REV Federal Credit Union

Richard R. & Mary D. Garcia

Roper St. Francis Healthcare

Ross Printing


Seamon Whiteside
Stuart Whiteside - Chamber Board Chair 2013

Smith Debnam Law
J. Ronald Jones Jr. - Chamber Board Chair 2012


South Carolina Federal Credit Union
Scott Woods, Chamber Board Chairman 2016

South Carolina Federal Credit Union
Joe Grech, Chamber Board Chairman 2023

South Carolina Ports Authority

South State Bank

TD Bank

The Moody Family
Bill Moody - Chair 1995 - Riley Award Winner 2006
Brian Moody - Chair 2006 - Riley Award Winner 2016

Thompson Penney
Chamber Board Chair 2008
LS3P Chair Emeritus

Tony & Rebecca Sue Boor

Town of Mount Pleasant

Trident Construction

Mark Lattanzio - Chamber Board Chair 2018

Wells Fargo

Adrian & Nicole Cain

Bryan & Gail Derreberry and Family

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