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Charleston Metro Chamber Announces Fall 2020 Leadership Discovery Class

Leadership Discovery, a leadership development program by the Charleston Metro Chamber, is excited to welcome the fall class of 2020. Leadership Discovery is an innovative program that allows participants the opportunity to learn from experienced business leaders in the Charleston region.

Participants in this program gain skills that will directly impact their current work and build valuable community connections. In addition to six mentor sessions, they receive a personalized DiSC Leadership Profile Assessment from Jean Meeks-Koch, Ph.D., CEO and Founder of Positively People, and attend a three-course business etiquette dinner led by Cynthia Grosso of Charleston School of Protocol. 

This year’s class will begin on September 30 with a socially distanced orientation in the new Chamber Boardroom and will conclude in December. In order to adapt to the current environment while still providing the highest quality program experience, the Chamber will deliver sessions virtually as necessary.

Fall 2020 Leadership Discovery Featured Mentors:

Leadership Discovery Fall Class of 2020

Claire Allen Charleston Defense Contractors Association/ManTech International
Anna AufdenkampeGoldfinger, Inc
Chloe Bales Ernst & Young, LLP
Jim Brown Choate Construction Company
Corinne CorteSMHa
Christopher DarlingHITT Contracting Inc.
Tyler HeffernanUS Club Soccer
Jennifer HightowerDominion Energy
Felicia HowardPinnacle Financial Partners
Cady Nell Keener Charleston Southern University
Stephen Kohn Excel Real Estate - Charleston
Simone Liberty Charleston Gaillard Center
Eden McKoy Belk Lucy
Paige MorrisMcCay Kiddy LLC
Thomas RobbinsROBBINS Construction Group
Mellany RobinsonKey Logistics Solutions, LLC
Eduardo RossiWABCO Vehicle Control Systems
Kimberly Sawyer KION North America Corporation
Kristen ScheideggerKION North America Corporation
Charles Stephens Blackbaud
Jennifer TyrrellAudubon South Carolina
Corey VerHageChoate Construction Company
Josh WalkerCharleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
Josh WhitakerKION North America Corporation
Patrick Wooten Nelson Mullins Law Firm

Thank you to our Leadership Discovery sponsors:

Leadership Discovery Presented By:

Training Sponsor:

Posted on
September 23rd 2020
Written by
Charleston Metro Chamber