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Member-Bration 2023
16 Nov 2023
5:30pm - 9:00pm
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The Shed Downtown at the Charleston Visitor Center 375 Meeting St  Charleston SC 29401
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250 years calls for our best Member-Bration yet! We invite you to join us on November 16, as we go all out to celebrate our community of invaluable members and 250 years of serving the region. Held at Charleston’s iconic The Shed Downtown, this quintessential Charleston evening will feature food, themed cocktails, live music, special entertainment, interactive Lowcountry experiences and more!

The evening kicks off with The Honors award ceremony, which recognizes outstanding Chamber members and businesses who have positively impacted and advanced the Charleston region. During this time, we will present the Community Impact Champion, Non-Profit of the Year, Diversity Champion of the Year, Business of the Year, Innovator of the Year, Small Business of the Year and One to Watch awards. We will also honor the recipient of the 2023 Joseph P. Riley Leadership Award. The night will then move into our lively Member-Bration celebration, where you’ll be able to enjoy socializing with fellow members while surrounded by unique Charleston entertainment, great drinks and delicious bites paying homage to Charleston’s classic cuisine.

The Honors portion of Member-Bration is sold out. Please contact Therese Gordon at tgordon@charlestonchamber.org with any questions.

The Honors will begin at 5:30 p.m. with Member-Bration beginning at 6:00 p.m. Honors tickets are $115 and include access to both The Honors and Member-Bration, while Member-Bration only tickets are $60.

Please wear cocktail attire.

Questions about this event? Contact Therese Gordon at tgordon@charlestonchamber.org or (843) 805-3007.

Event Details
Thursday, November 16
The Honors Check-In: 5:00 p.m.
The Honors: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Member-Bration: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

The Shed Downtown at the Charleston Visitor Center
375 Meeting St 
Charleston SC 29401

Member-Bration Member Ticket: $60
Member-Bration Non-Member Ticket: $80

Presenting Sponsor
BlueCross BlueShield of SC
Act Sponsors
Celebration Sponsor
Joseph P. Riley Leadership Award Sponsor
Photo Booth Sponsor
Event Sponsor
Design Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Cocktail Sponsor
Tribute Sponsors