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Economic Opportunity
Creating economic opportunities for all

The Chamber is dedicated to creating a region where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. By expanding economic opportunity, we empower individuals, strengthen businesses and build a more prosperous community for all.

Ensuring that everyone across our region has access to the resources and support they need to advance economically is at the heart of what we do. When people succeed, businesses grow, innovation flourishes and our region becomes stronger and more resilient.

We are committed to fostering meaningful connections, supporting workforce development and providing the tools and insights that help businesses and individuals reach their full potential.

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Economic Opportunity Efforts
Lowcountry Minority Business Accelerator
Lowcountry Minority Business Accelerator

The Lowcountry Minority Business Accelerator is committed to accelerating the development and growth of high potential minority-owned businesses, strengthening our region’s minority entrepreneurial community and advancing our region. The Accelerator provides opportunities for economic growth and prosperity.

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See Who's Making a Difference

The Strategic Thinking Group (STG) is a group of dedicated business leaders in the Charleston region who are working to identify high-growth minority-owned businesses for the MBA program and develop an African American board pipeline for non-profit organizations. As minority business leaders themselves, they understand the value of their voices and the positive impacts they can have on our community.

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Lowcountry Minority Business Directory

Your one-stop-shop for this information is finally here! Our Lowcountry Minority Biz Directory is the ultimate regional hub for minority business information.

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Latest Economic Opportunity News

Economic Opportunity Team

Olivia Vernon
Manager of Workforce & Education
Contact Olivia